Due to last week's massive thunderstorm and subsequent power outage I missed the premier of Mad Men Season 4. Recently I caught up (rebroadcasts get cued a week later on my cable provider) so now I'm going to be a week behind the smartest show on television. at least until Sunday night football games start crawling past 9PM. Damn. So many moments. Loved the Phoenix from the ashes moment (above) at the end. Total blind trapeze leap of balls. I also howled when Don threw the whiny client out of the office as I actually saw that happen more than once back in the day. How about that tortured childhood Glo-Coat commercial, hmm? Roger (Slats)? Fine cad form. Peggy and Joan? In control. Pete looked like he still should get hit by a bus, that weasel. And Betty? Betty better wise up or she might be rummaging through garbage cans if she's not careful. Don't see her mama's boy savior hanging around for long. Rocket ship still seems to be on the launch pad. Betty is going to get burnt to a crisp once Don full throttles. Pride is a deadly sin, Betty, remember? Brilliant writing, just brilliant. Perfect balances of pathos and dynamite under the bridge.