A friend reminded me that I met actor John Slattery (pictured left as Roger Sterling) years ago. This was back in the day and either at Kelly's Irish Times or some Catholic University keg-fest up in northeast..."Slats" went to school with my older brother and was one of the many Irish-American ruffians my brother slunk around with...guys like "Bid" and "Sully" and (good God!) "Cap". All somewhat respectable now, but back then one step away from being kicked out of school on their collective butts or in DC jail. I seem to recall black, wavy hair in a Saved by the Bell "Screech" style haircut and a bunch of hubbub over him getting cast in a Levi's commercial at the time. Far cry from smooth Roger Sterling, cad above cads. And while I may catch static from the ladies reading this, I think Slats' character on the show is admirable for his zesty approach to sinful living. Don Draper? Bah. I can't wait for what witty put down Roger will sling next.