KIERAN SHEA’s fiction has appeared in dozens of venues including Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine,Thuglit, Dogmatika, Word Riot, Plots with Guns, Beat to a Pulp, Crimefactory, and Needle: A Magazine of Noir well as in some beefy-looking anthologies most of which will make you question the tether of his shiny, red balloon. To his self-deprecating astonishment he's also been nominated for the Story South’s Million Writers Award twice without sending the judges so much as a thank you note. He co-edited the satiric transgressive fiction collection D*CKED: DARK FICTION INSPIRED BY DICK CHENEY and his debut novel KOKO TAKES A HOLIDAY is out now from Titan Books. Kieran divides his time between 38°58′22.6″N- 76°30′4.17″W and 39.2775° N, 74.5750° W.
Back in Black
Okay. I deserve it. In a mild fit of seasonal affective disorder and hit-the-wall bout of self-mutilation (not to mention a great deal of flat out blue-spiked rage at some people who don’t think too kindly of me) I pulled the plug on the BIB blog here almost a month ago. Some people expressed concern and most understood. The crime writing community by and large has some of the most supportive people I have ever had the privilege to have known and to those who made the effort, thank you. It all can get to you sometimes, the work, the isolation, the petty frustrations, you just want to up and burn everything to the ground. But recent developments (not to mention longer stretches of daylight, a healthy dollop of gee whiz, man, get over yourself, and a few stalwart champions of the little guy—you know who you are) have snapped me back on track. Even went and deleted the post that had me so grouchy. So without much more fanfare, let’s just say I’m back, pitching it in from the margins. For good until I drop, promise. Maybe not so daily as we all know restraint should be the order of the day, but I’ll be out here, spreading the crime fiction and mystery knowledge and love as best I can. For the record, 2011 is starting out well on the writing front with a hefty rewrite, an online writing gig, Plots with Guns “Slasher Issue”, the Needle, a guest spot of sorts in January/February CrimeSpree Magazine, and a few other projects that have me very excited—one in particular that is finally seeing the friggin’ light of day after two years—phew. Plus there's so much ballsy wild westing out there in the ever evolving publishing game it would be a shame not to chime in and push what positively needs to be pushed and lay to waste all that deserves destruction. It's all so crazy, but we're all madmen or we wouldn't favor the dark and the brutal. And it's fun. So, ahem. Here I am again, rising to the surface. Thanks for the patience. Changing the look here a bit for the refreshed outlook. God, 2010 was a bear, wasn't it? But onward, right? Right. Onward, damn it. Back in black.