KIERAN SHEA’s fiction has appeared in dozens of venues including Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, Thuglit, Dogmatika, Word Riot, Plots with Guns, Beat to a Pulp, Crimefactory, and Needle: A Magazine of Noir well as in some beefy-looking anthologies most of which will make you question the tether of his shiny, red balloon. To his self-deprecating astonishment he's also been nominated for the Story South’s Million Writers Award twice without sending the judges so much as a thank you note. He co-edited the satiric transgressive fiction collection D*CKED: DARK FICTION INSPIRED BY DICK CHENEY and his debut novel KOKO TAKES A HOLIDAY is out now from Titan Books. Kieran divides his time between 38°58′22.6″N- 76°30′4.17″W and 39.2775° N, 74.5750° W.


Easter Sunday Recap

Via a couple of tweets from Gerald So (super mystery-crime fan/critic/editor of the Line-Up) and Neil Smith (noir godfather, novelist, PWG editor) ...late last week I discovered that little, old me (along w/ my bud Greg Bardsley and all-hail-the-massive-genius--Kyle Minor) got the nod from the storySouth Million Writers Awards. Wow. Did not expect THAT. Sure the chances of winning this award are slim but it sure is flattering to get nominated. Big thanks to Thrilling Detective's G-Money and Kevin for letting "Shot Back" see the light of day. Truth be known, I had high hopes for the character but eventually I had to kill Andy off because, well, he's Andy.

In other news, I had a nice break up in Jersey w/ some cool hand of God action in the water (surfing). Haven't been in months and it felt good to take a clean left.