Ah. Plane crash crime fiction. It's a common mechanism. An original take might be James Hall's opening to BLACKWATER SOUND. Hell, freaking Jim Hall had me at "hello" with UNDER COVER OF DAYLIGHT. He could write a slur on a used swatch of toilet tissue and I'd say sign here.
For me, I recall plenty of turbulence on the flights here and there. One in particular. A shake-n-quake puddle hop from the USVI to the BVI. One pilot--kind of crispy (if you know what I mean) deep trenched in the island lifestyle.
"Don't you have a co-pilot?"
"Nah, we go down, yo, it all be beauty."
I looked at my wife, my two friends, our gear...and said--been real, people.
Of course, there was the that time when we flew into Caracas...